For many years I’ve kept a list of everything I’ve recently read on the inside cover of my notebook, but at the start of 2024, I found that Moleskine was no longer making this exact journal— cahier, kraft cover, grid interior, 8x5— of which I’d been keeping a stockpile. Naturally, I went into a tailspin for a few months trying to find a suitable replacement. (Eventually I found an inferior, though acceptable, dupe.)
As a result, my system for keeping track of what I read was in shambles this year. 2025 will be a more orderly year, I am sure. At least for my notebooks, if nothing else. (Probably for nothing else!)
Anyway here are some favorite things that I read this year—
Way crazier than I remembered!! I read this in my office at the Cullman Center, squealing to the point of perhaps disturbing my neighbors. I read the King James Version as a kid, but the New International Version is hilarious: “Utterly Meaningless! Everything is Meaningless.” —Eccle…