(A few indie bookstores are offering signed pre-orders of my novel, BIOGRAPHY OF X, which will be released March 21. More info at the bottom of this post & here.)
Lost: Other people’s pets // Found: Other people’s books
Every time I see a Lost Cat or Lost Dog poster I stop to look at the cat or the dog in the picture, trying to memorize the animal so that I might later save them. In this unrealized fantasy, I’m almost always returning a dog to its person, as it seems to me cats are rarely lost, rarely missing. The cat, most likely, chose to leave you.
A few months ago I came across a poster for a missing parrot:
Actually it wasn’t just one poster, but dozens, and fresh ones kept appearing. My first thought was that the parrot, like all those lost cats, had simply decided it was time to go, but then I read it again.
Su parejita esta triste, the parrot’s parrot girlfriend was sad, lo esta búscando, looking for her lost mate. Whoever was putting up …